Torn between her growing love for and need of her husbands love,
Naomi’s fears almost make her worries come true! When she awakens Chaz’s
surprise invitation is there to greet her. Instead of reading the missive, she
assumes she knows what is says, and balls it up intending to throw it away.
I must confess that in 2007, while writing the opening to the
chapter title A Day Away, I wondered how many blessings I had not
received, negated, or through lack of gratitude, asked that it be somehow
changed making the gift less than the giver wanted it to be. And though it
might seem odd to you, if you’ve been on this journey with me, faced with the
reality of being asked to change the program I offered to my Messianic
Sisterhood, on Saturday, I was sadly once again the giver whose gift was
altered thereby making the gift something not quite right for the group I was
presenting too. A month before I was to speak, I realized that would be the
case, and asked them to find another speaker. I was told that I had accepted
the event and would be speaking.
Because of their requests, further reshaping of the presentation
made me aware that I had erred in asking them to host a book signing for the
pre-release of Casa de Naomi, Book Two and allowed them to select a Scriptural
Counseling presentation instead. From the beginning it seemed that by asking to
speak, leadership thought they were in control. Though I have spoken on and
taught how Personal, Biblical Affirmations can Purge our Dross, and shared that
this was not a light topic, none understood that what I would share had been
gifted to me by God! Afterward several woman asked for assistance, which I
am blessed to provide. Now that the event is over leadership understands why I
wanted to do what I offered instead of what they insisted I do!
All this leads me to ask you if you haven’t found yourself in
situations similar to those Naomi and I were in. Though they seem similar,
these situations are very different because:
- Naomi was invited. I asked.
- Chaz’s outing was nonnegotiable. I offered to speak on a specific
topic, but did as I was asked.
- Where Naomi knew and was falling in love with her husband, I
discovered that I not was not known, and what I offered was not thought to
be of value.
- Chaz wanted to bless Naomi, and she trusted him. I offered a
blessing that was rejected, and was remiss in agreeing to
something else.
I share these insights with you, because in Isaiah 53:6 Scripture says, We all, like
sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and
the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. So we can
rejoice, forgive ourselves, and others because God in his infinite love and
mercy has already forgiven us if we have claimed Messiah!
If you don’t know about God’s Forgiveness Gift it is spoken of
in John 3:16 For God so loved the
world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Without Messiah we cannot view life in a way that builds us up
without making us puffed up. When we affirm our person-hood in Messiah,
and those above us insisted we do things their way, He is our
advocate, and friend! He stands at the right hand of God interceding for
Until we meet again, I pray that you think about your choices, the
ones you have made freely, and those you have been coerced to make, and take
your burdens to the one who has always loved, known and cared for you.