Naomi and Chaz Meet, by Paula Rose Michelson

The Text
                Ralph had them meet at his office so the man could explain the effect Naomi’s words had on him and the extraordinary change he experienced once he had signed her pledge book.
                “It was as if I was one dirty and thrown away by life, lying in the gutter, defiled by the refuse of the world,” he told her. “Then a miracle happened to me. Do you know what that miracle was?”
                Mesmerized by this man, Naomi silently shook her head. Chaz’s eyes never left her as he stood, walked over to her, bent down, and softly whispered in her ear, “It was you. You saw me as I could be. What you said to me, the pledge you made me sign, the words you made me say, were
the first positive words I ever took to heart.” Naomi turned her face and looked directly into his eyes so she could see if he was lying.
                Chaz smiled at her. “You changed my life, and this life of mine, it is yours if you will take it.”
                Shocked, Naomi pulled…

Please reflect upon Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Now ask yourself: What is my treasure, where is my heart?

Author’s Comment
So far we’ve been experiencing Naomi’s life sentence by sentence as it unfolds—now we’re about to experience the incredible wonder of being loved—and the gut-wrenching pain of knowing that the person who loves us would not feel that way if they knew who we really are. I’m using the term ‘we’ because I believe that all of us, in one way or another, have allowed people to think about us as they do, and that’s understandable because our need to fit in, sometimes causes us to deny ourselves. Yet as we will see denying our reality never…

Author Changing this Blogs Format
From now on, I'll be using excerpts from Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing Book One. I hope to work through a chapter a week without giving to much away so those who are reading the book can enjoy the ride. 

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Until we meet again, may your life be filled with Yeshua’s Blessings!

A Reprobate, a Philanthropist, or a Husband, by Paula Rose Michelson

What others plan for us might seem to come true, at least on the surface. However, under all their expectation is the reality that when given few choices one might agree without intending to fulfill a commitment. Perhaps you are like Naomi and me wishing to create no need for others to examine us too closely and find us wanting we have taken what appears to be the easy route. Yet within every choice come a myriad of other choices and expectations. If we were to look backward and examine what happened, I believe we would see that Gods plan for us occurs whether we took the easy of difficult road. Mine, Naomi’s, and perhaps your journey has, at times, been stressful. However, the good news is that we now know much more than we did when we began, and those others who seemed to have it easy, traveled down a different road yet learned what they were supposed to learn, which proves to me that God; thought not orchestrating our lives, does know the end from the very beginning.

The Text

                “Padre, that sigh sounds like it has come from a man who has a great weight within his spirit. Are you burdened, my friend?”
                “Many things concern me. I have burdens and worries for some who are in my care.”
                “I know what you mean. I am concerned that we have not acted well for Naomi’s sake, and this weighs heavy on my heart.”
                “I understand. But what can we do? She is a woman now set in her ways. She needs no one.”
                “That is true. However, that does not mean that she is complete. We know a woman needs a man just as we need our faith in God.”
                The priest frowned. “What are you suggesting?”
                “Oh, have you not heard?” Ralph asked with a wide-toothed grin.
                “One of Naomi’s reprobates has become a philanthropist.”
                “And how did this come about, my son?”
                “It seems that Naomi gave him a few dollars when he was in a bad way. I understand she had him sign her pledge book. The rest of the story is as unlikely as her own is. I have heard it repeated that he said from that day to this, he kept his pledge. In making it the cornerstone of all he thought and did, he was blessed beyond his capabilities or understanding. All this man now asks is that he may approach the lady with a proposal of marriage.”
                “This must surely be of God. But why would she marry now? She is able to accomplish all she wants without a man. What would motivate her?”
                “Ah, Padre, one should never underestimate the desires of the heart once it is fanned,” the sly barrister said. “We do not need to promote this union, but let us introduce the man to Naomi and see what God will do. After all, it is not good for a woman to be alone, and as Naomi ages, who will take care of her? Not everyone can be as fortunate as La Señora was when she selected the little mouse to care for her and carry on her work. After all, Naomi has done well. Does she not deserve a portion of her life for herself?” The priest was about to answer, but before he could, the attorney added, “And this man, Chaz, has a connection to our lady like none of the others that have visited her before.”
                The priest considered everything the attorney shared, believed the matter settled, and stood to leave. “I see that you have been thinking about the lady’s situation a great deal. She will at least want to meet him and hear his story. Perhaps this is the man.” That said, he turned and walked out of the eatery.
                The attorney followed on the priests heels, reached his office, and called Naomi. When she answered, he asked her to meet the man her actions had saved from, as Chaz himself had put it, “A life without meaning.” Ralph had them meet at his office so the man could explain the effect Naomi’s words had on him and the extraordinary change he experienced once he had signed her pledge book.

Author’s Comments

The attorney has presented so many possible suitors to Naomi that he’s sure she will finally chose this man because they both work to help others and have a unique tie. Perhaps for some mutual goals, a common faith, and language are important. However, I’d like you to close your eyes and picture Naomi: an illegal immigrant, admired by all, a Jew, afraid to tell her best friend about herself. Now consider the two choices facing her, what would you do if you were her? 

Reflective Questions

What have you signed up for?

Do you like your journey so far?

Would you like to make a different choice?


Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Jeremiah 29:11-12 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”


May you walk in the sure knowledge that God always planned for YOU!

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Audio book of Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing is now available on iTunes.

Reviews for Book One:

An Arranged Marriage, by Paula Rose Michelson

Author’s Observation

It is said that a vacuum must be filled. In Naomi’s case many who thought her to be of no import now want to insure their plans by making certain that she is cared for. I believe many women have experienced something like this. Though I am not a proponent of women’s roles that are unbiblical, I’ve worked with women and know that under all the polite redirect some still believe women need to be cared for. Before you read today’s post, ask yourself:

If someone takes care of a women and all she owns, will she still free to be herself?

Is caring for someone and marrying them the same as loving them?

The Text

                As Naomi’s reputation for caring and good works continued to increase, so did her visibility within the little community. Many took note of her, a self-possessed woman with a sizable dowry and a thriving business. Suitors tried to win her but none knew her well enough to claim her attention. None could draw her heart away from its single focus. Both Padre Paul and the parish’s attorney, Ralph Martinez, tried to introduce her to good men who would look after her and be happy to manage her estate with their assistance. After many failed attempts at matchmaking, they concluded that although the little mouse was no longer timid, she would never marry because she was married to her work.
                Early one April morning, the priest rushed toward the rectory, heard hurried footsteps behind him, and turned back. “Padre Paul,” the attorney rasped as he hurried toward him. “A word please, Padre.”
                “I am on my way to take a rest from the duties of the morning.”
                “But, Padre, I have good news that I know you will want to hear since it concerns our little mouse,” Ralph said with a wink.
                “I am always interested in good news.”
                “Yes, I know you have the welfare of the entire parish on your mind.
                That is why I came to you first. I know how much Naomi’s situation has weighed on your mind.” He redirected the priest’s steps.
                “That is true,” Padre Paul said as they walked along together.
                They reached an eatery the attorney frequented. “Would you like a coffee, my friend?”
                “Sí, gracias, a coffee and a talk, eh?”
                “This place makes good coffee. Let us sit on the patio away from the crowd. I have something to discuss with you in private.”
                His curiosity aroused, Padre Paul raised no objection when the attorney pulled him inside, lead him to the patio, and selected a table. The good padre ordered the coffee Mr. Martinez recommended. Once their coffee arrived, he drank slowly and settled into his chair. Since the attorney seemed to be taking his time, the priest looked around. It is comfortable out here. He took another pull of his espresso and watched the pigeons descend upon the remains of a meal on a nearby table. They behave as some people do. He believed Ralph had brought him to the eatery to hatch another scheme. As he considered how to sidestep becoming involved in another failed attempt at matchmaking, he remembered he had told the attorney that he was no longer interest in wrestling control of the estate from Naomi. When the attorney had questioned his decision, he had informed Ralph that he believed Naomi had proven to be as competent as she was caring. While he thought about their heated exchange, he sighed. He knew that though the attorney had heard him, Ralph would still try to involve him in his schemes.

Today’s Scripture has always helped me sort out offers, perhaps it will do likewise for you.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Until we meet again; may the peace of Adonai surround you.

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